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Are The Membranes the Same in Gen A and Gen B?

Posted on , in Information

Tried our Generation A when they first came out and thought maybe the membrane was too stiff or just didn’t compare to the feel of our original Gen C? Now with the release of our newest generation of cartridge being Generation B you may wonder if they’re using the same membrane. If you haven’t tried our Generation A in a few years then you would notice that they are in fact different.

Artists had reached out to us in the past regarding our old membrane and we have taken their feedback into consideration. Now we produce a membrane that isn’t as stiff and far more durable than our previous one. You will find that our Generation B will have a similar look and feel as our generation C but include a patented stabilizing membrane. We are still rolling out this membrane in our Generation As so very soon they will both contain this updated membrane.

If you are interested in trying these, please visit our website and check out our sample packs!